Customer Testimonials

Dr. Sukumar Reddy (Jublihills Hyderabad)
Before TDS service of permanent driver I had nightmare with driver now thank god TDS has made my life smooth by giving well trained permanent driver. Subhash(Our Permanent Driver) is humble and self-discipline and trustable person. Thank you Telangana Driver services (TDS) for wonder full service. I strongly recommend TDS service for the Permanent driver.
Ramakrishna Raju (Business Owner- Madapur Hyderabad)
Having permanent driver from TDS is really excellent service by the driver. My suggestions for anyone looking for permanent driver better you prefer TDS.
Kavitha Agrawal (Business Owner- Abids Hyderabad)
I am really impress with TDS permanent driver. Driver Ravi kumar always call me Didi and he is providing service with care. I am very happy having such a nice person as my driver. Thank you TDS for your service you guys are awesome service.. My 100% recommendation for permanent driver service. Good Luck TDS
Our accountability for permanent driver

-We will provide permanent driver within a 1 Or 2 Days of your request.

-We do all background check of driver.

-We take two witness of preferred Driver

-We do replacement of driver (If require) you should intimate us before 2 days for the replacement of new driver.

-- We will take immediate action if our driver missbehave with you